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Tuesday, January 12, 2010


The book I am reading is called The Lightning Theft. I am going to read to you chapter 1 page 8-12. Percy pushes Nancy in the water fountain, it was like the water grabbed Nancy. Mrs. Dodds came up on to Percy and told him "come honey rrrrrrrrrrr" weirdly. Then when the were alone she jumped to him and turned to a fury and Greek mythology mythical creature. Then Mr. Brunner threw a pen and when Percy catches it it turned to a sword and HE SLASHED Mrs. Dodds. Then outside Mr. Brunner was just sitting down and toke his pen. Also no one knew who Mrs. Dodds was.

I would have done everything Percy done really nothing to it he was brave and hade a pure heart to fight againts Mrs. Dodds who was a fury. A fury has wings and are demonds sent my Hadas.

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