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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Haiti Nadia Article

Nadia survived a earthquake in Haiti, and this is her story.
Nadia went to Miami with her mom at the age of six. As a child she wanted to be a marine or a model. Her father was arrested and sent to Haiti, thin died. Nadia's mom and uncle died, when she was in her senior year. Nadia then got arrested for 51/2 years. For forging a check, and for having a weapon in her car. She said the weapon didn't belong to her.
She said "I got mixed up with the wrong people." She was then sent back to Haiti. Then she went to the United States to see her children, but she was arrested again and sent back to Haiti. Then she decided to stay in Haiti and now she did. Two years passed, six days passed after the massive earthquake. Nadia went to get food and she got it. W hen she was about to drive a UN solider said don't stop at nothing or people will overtake your food and your car.
She saw he neighbor dieing and Nadia asked her where is her kid and Nadia holded he kid until the kid died. Nadia arrived to her community, Fladle, she was the princble in that community as well. Nadia lose her boyfriend he went to southwest Haiti in the morning. When the boyfriend was found he and Nadia talked. Then the food was delivered to everybody and everybody was happy, in Nadia's community.

Life Events
1. Nadia grows up in Miami.
2. As a child she wanted to be a marine or a model.
3. She came to Haiti at 36-37 and she was there for 2 years.
4. The earthquake happened and her neighbor died.
5. She got food and water for her village.

1 comment:

Editor said...

This is good, clear writing, but I have one question: how did her problems in the US compare to her problems in Haiti? how were they different? for full credit, you needed to answer that question.
Mr. Enders