Introduction of Pompeii
Pompeii was a city that was destroyed by I volcano called, Mount Vesuvius, in 79 A.D. This is a gorsier on the street of Pompeii. The city is located near the Naples; Romans were the on ones in the city. People today found the city and it was located 66ft under the earths’ current surface. This city was destroyed in August 79 A.D. More than 2,500,000 visitors each year you are just one of them. Well now let is began our tour of the streets of Pompeii.
Why the Pompeii streets so interesting?
Introduction of Pompeii
Pompeii was a city that was destroyed by I volcano called, Mount Vesuvius, in 79 A.D. This is a gorsier on the street of Pompeii. The city is located near the Naples; Romans were the on ones in the city. People today found the city and it was located 66ft under the earths’ current surface. This city was destroyed in August 79 A.D. More than 2,500,000 visitors each year you are just one of them. Well now let is began our tour of the streets of Pompeii.
Why the Pompeii streets so interesting?

Some of you may be thinking “Why are the Pompeii streets so interesting, I mean they are just streets.” Well to me streets that are over 1900 years old are pretty important don’t you think. Along Pompeii's streets you will find stepping stones. Pompeian’s used them as a 'bridge' when there were floads or just to cross the streets. In the floor near them you can see the signs left by the wheels of the wagons. Also the Pompeii streets were organized by a grid pattern that made it easy for someone to go place to place.
Feet were very important in Pompeii? (What does that mean?)

No muddy feet for the people of Pompeii, they had paved (cover with a material such as stone or concrete to make suitable for vehicle traffic) streets! With curbs, and sidewalks! The material used for the pavers was usually very durable (strong) and also extremely slippery when wet. The streets were raised in middle and sidewalks slanted towards the street to allow rainwater and waste materials to channel (go through) into the gutters formed by high curbs. Stepping stones placed at convenient intervals (a set of containing all points) kept feet dry and away from any unpleasant muck (sludge) left by cart-hauling animals. Wheels from these carts all of uniform axle width wore ruts into the stones over time, which helped keep them on the straight and narrow. Some of these tracks may even have been carved, into the stone as a safety procaution.
The main street of the famous Pompeii!

Via Consolare was one of the main streets of the town of Pompeii and it connected the forum with the street that connected Pompeii with the town of Ercolanum (now called Ercolano). Along its sides you can see many shops, houses and villas. You can also see a well and many taverns. So this is like the Manhattan of Pompeii because, it has everything in it.
Well this is the end of the tour of Pompeii any questions please asked me Jesus Cruz your personal guide well see ya later. Watch out for mt.vesuvius might get you just like it did to Pompeii.

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