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Thursday, April 15, 2010


The Last Invisible Boy written by Evan Kuhlman,is a sad and happy story.The story takes place in sunnyvile.The main characters are Finn,Derek,mom,dad,and Melanie.

It started in a day, that Finn saw his hair getting white.His mom did not worry to much about it.Finn name means fair hero.Finn dad died in a plane no one knows how.Derek Finn's brother thinks the white hair is cool.Finn saw he was getting more white he was turning,invisible.But he did not worry about it.

Finn went to the docter and he did not have a virus nothing.Finn did not go to school for 4 weeks.He had a friend named Melanie that they both like each other.They are planning to have kids someday but for now they are just friends.Everyone thinks there boyfriend and girlfriend in their school.Weeks passed Finn's face is turning more white,everyone is school sometimes called him a freak.In about 6 weeks he was all clear white no black hair.

Finn always goes to the cemetery to visit his dead dad.He always sad day and night sometimes.Melanie one time kissed Finn, and told him that was a cure to turn you back to normal.Now Derek and Finn always see MLB because their dad use to see it.One night Finn was done taking a shower, and looked at himself in the mirror.He was turning back to normal, he saw black hair and his skin was punk again.In the morning Derek and mom were happy to see Finn back to normal.Melanie was happy and Finn was very happy as well.

In conclusion and reccomned this book 10 out of 10.It is a sad than happy sorry.It shows the hppy and fun parts.Than it shows the sad and not so fun parts.The book is a heartbreaking book.

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